Wanting to Leave Home Doesn’t Make You Weird – Late Night Thoughts on Long Term Travel

No matter where you live in the world, society has certain norms that most people adhere to. In developed countries one of the most widely followed norms is staying in one location and settling down. When I talk to people about wanting to travel, most ask me how long I want to be on the road for and are surprised when I announce that I want to be away for as long as physically possible. Nowadays people are expected to stay in one location and have a stable job and work towards things like owning a good car, big house, and providing for a family. When you aren’t interested in any of these things people, tend to make you feel like you’re weird for not wanting to follow a traditional path in life. I personally am not currently interested in spending thousands of money on an education in the hopes that I can get a job to pay off my debt and one day own nice things. Nice things don’t make me happy, I prefer experiences. Money is important and great to have but at the end of the day the numbers in my bank account don’t make me as happy as the things that I get to do. If you have a desire to pack everything and roam the world, you’re not alone. In this day and age, if you don’t personally know anyone who shares the same want as you it’s easy to reach out on blogs to get in contact with people who share similar interests. If you want to travel long term and the thought of staying in one place for the rest of your life seems dreadful, just know that you’re not weird for feeling that way, no matter how many people seem to tell you otherwise.

2 thoughts on “Wanting to Leave Home Doesn’t Make You Weird – Late Night Thoughts on Long Term Travel

  1. jaystrayed

    I feel the same way exactly. I just realized all of these things before I got myself into a hole of student debt.

    1. ineffablewanderlust Post author

      If it were possible to go back into time, I would go back before my first semester of college and tell myself to wait until I knew what I wanted to do before committing myself to spending $40,000 a year on a degree that I didn’t know what I wanted to do with. Luckily I learned rather quickly that higher education wasn’t for me yet, but unfortunately student loan debt is still an issue that I deal with every single month.


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